
Our Services

What We Offer

Show your Shine

Zoom Whitening

Brighten up the room with your smile!

One of the most effective tooth whitening treatments available, Zoom Whitening is a bleaching process that uses gel and a specialized lamp to remove discoloration from your teeth.

Zoom uses a UV light designed specifically for removing stains, along with a specially-formulated whitening gel. This whitening process works quickly and is extremely safe and effective.

During the office treatment, we apply a peroxide-based gel onto your teeth. Then, we position the specialized lamp next to your mouth. The low-level heat from the lamp creates a chemical reaction with the gel, which helps break down stains and whiten teeth.

Crowns & veneers in one visit

Cerec Primescan

Let’s face it, very few of us have perfect teeth, free of decay and fillings.  You can probably see a filling or two in your own mouth, which do just that — “fill” a cavity, or hole, in your tooth left from the excavation of decayed tooth structure.  In many cases, those fillings are made of metal material and can go bad, weaken the tooth, or get additional decay under or around it.  In fact, 1.2 billion of these metal fillings will need to be replaced in the next 10 years.  CEREC is a method used by thousands of dentists worldwide since 1987 not only to replace these fillings, but also to restore any tooth that is decayed, weakened, broken, etc. to its natural strength and beauty.  Better yet, it’s done with all-ceramic materials that are tooth colored in a single appointment!

Straight Teeth: Wirelessly!


Your Invisalign treatment will consist of a series of aligners that you switch out about every two weeks. Each aligner is individually manufactured with exact calculations to gradually shift your teeth into place. And since your Invisalign system is custom-made for your teeth and your teeth only, with a plan devised by you and your dentist, you know you’ll end up with a smile that truly fits.
If you’re ready for a smile that transforms your appearance, Invisalign is your answer. Although there are many choices out there, no other works as effortlessly as the Invisalign system.

Highly Accurate Impressions

iTero Scanner

An iTero scanner is a special high-tech device used to create a 3D model of your teeth without any discomfort. The best way to think of this device is as an upgraded x-ray that captures every angle and nuance of your teeth to create a highly accurate impression that can be used in further dental work. iTero is currently a rising star among dentsits for its ability to prioritize patient comfort, precision, and speed all at the same time. Five minutes doesn’t seem like a lot of time in a broad sense, but when those five minutes are spent holding a heavy, sticky, congealed mess in the mouth, five minutes can seem like five hours. When iTero is used to create your impressions, the process only takes a couple of minutes and the results of the scanner can be rendered much more quickly than traditional impressions.

Other services include:

Ready to get that dream smile?

Feel free to contact our office so we can get started with your first appointment.